The figures that I open or create in MATLAB do not have all of the standard menus.
MathWorks Support Team on 23 Oct 2009
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This issue usually occurs because there is more than one file called figuremenubar.fig and figuretoolbar.fig on the MATLAB path. This can occur when you have created new figures with those names or when you have added the following directory to your MATLAB path:
where $MATLABROOT is your MATLAB root directory.
As a workaround, do the following:
1. Type the following two commands at the command prompt:
which FigureMenuBar.fig -all
which FigureToolBar.fig -all
2. Rename or delete any files not listed below:
$ MATLABROOT\toolbox\matlab\graphics\FigureMenuBar.fig
$ MATLABROOT\toolbox\matlab\graphics\FigureToolBar.fig
For MATLAB R11, the above list includes these two files:
$ MATLABROOT\extern\include\FigureMenuBar.fig
$ MATLABROOT\extern\include\FigureToolBar.fig
3. If necessary, remove $MATLABROOT\extern\include\ from the MATLAB path.